Your Questions Answered…
Frequently Asked Questions
If the answer to your questions is not listed below then please contact us HERE
What enhanced cleaning measures do you have in place?
Hourly touch point cleaning by staff, regular antiviral fogging, cleaning stations, hand sanitiser and increased presence of contractual cleaners during peak hours.
What are the gym opening hours?
Currently we are operating at reduced hours, this is in order to have more staff available during peak hours for cleaning purposes.
Are you restricting numbers in the gym and do I have to book?
Yes, although due to the sites size and ventilation the main gym has a maximum capacity of 72 people at one time and no you do not have to book, however due to occupancy levels this could change at a later date.
How long can I stay in the gym?
As it stands at the moment there is no maximum length of stay. However, we are recommending members to keep their stay brief to ensure that other members get an opportunity to use the gym.
Do I have to wear a mask in the gym?
No, it is not recommended that you wear a mask during exercise, however, if you feel more comfortable wearing a masks while in other areas of the club then you are welcome to do so.
What would happen if you had a confirmed case of Covid-19 within your facilities?
We would be notified by track and trace and a deep clean of the facilities would take place.
What kit is available?
The majority of our kit is still available, however, due to current social distancing measures some equipment has been put out of use in order to comply.
Do I have to arrive gym ready?
Yes, we are encouraging members to arrive gym ready and avoid using the showers and changing rooms where possible.
Am I allowed personal belongings on the gym floor?
As personal belongings can carry harmful bacteria, other than a water bottle, no personal belongings are permitted on the gym floor, including towels.
Can I still train with my friends?
No. The only person/persons you should be breaking the 2 metre distancing rule and sharing equipment with are those from your household. Please note you may be asked to provide proof of address if you are seen to be sharing equipment.
What is the class capacity?
The maximum capacity for all 3 of our group exercise spaces is now 7 including an instructor.
Are you still providing towels?
No, all Premier memberships have been reduced down to the standard rate.
Can I still use the Health & Fitness Network UK?
Due to the restrictions regarding club capacities and the requirements for track and trace, the network has been postponed temporarily until restrictions ease.
Are the changing facilities and lockers still available?
Yes, however, we ask members to only use them if necessary.
Can I pay by cash?
No, due to safety measurement put in place to protect our staff we are currently not accepting cash.
Can I freeze my membership?
Yes, we offer complimentary freezing of your membership for a minimum of 1 calendar month and a maximum of 6. Please inform us by the 20th of the month in order to action it before your direct debit is processed. We must receive your freeze request by email or in person and we will confirm receipt of this by email –
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes, we understand that these are difficult times and that circumstances changes. Please inform us by the 20th of the month in order to action it before your direct debit is processed. We must receive your cancellation by email or in person and we will confirm receipt of this by email –
There are many incorrect statements being made about COVID and fitness environments. We explain a few of the common myths below.
Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the changes we’ve made to the club to keep all our members and staff safe.