Take a holistic approach to relieving pain and stress with an approach that’s been relied on for centuries.
What is acupuncture useful for?
Traditional Chinese/Japanese Acupuncture is complete health system that treats at the body as a whole. Illness, both physical and emotional is considered to be an imbalance in the meridians and organs of the body which can be treated by using fine needles or moxibustion (heat treatment) to redirect the flow of qi to restore health and wellbeing.
Patients come to acupuncture for help with the following symptoms:
- Pain – chronic, musculoskeletal, low-back, shoulder, elbow, TMJ, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, prostatitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Headaches, migraines
- Allergic respiratory rhinitis (hay fever), asthma
- Digestive problems, IBS, dyspepsia
- Infertility, IVF
- Gynecological issues, menopausal issues
- Depression, anxiety
- Insomnia
- Stress
About Laura Ichajapanich
Laura Ichajapanich – Acupuncturist, Tuina massage therapist, Qigong and Taijiquan (Tai Chi) instructor
Laura is at the Breathe-London Wellbeing Centre at Jubilee Hall Gym on Mondays 3 – 8pm & Wednesdays 10.30am – 1.30pm
Laura was born in Thailand and rediscovered her Chinese roots through Taijiquan (Tai Chi) and Qigong which led her to study Chinese medicine in London and Harbin, China. More recently her focus has been on Toyohari Japanese acupuncture, which uses moxibustion and subtle non-invasive needling techniques which connects with the feeling of qi she has developed over 20 years of taiji and qigong teaching and practice.
Laura works at Breathe Covent Garden and Waterloo and also works at a cancer charity in a North London hospital. She teaches taiji and qigong at Breathe Waterloo on Fridays 10-11am and at Morley College on Wednesdays. She is a part owner of Breathe London
- MSc Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture) with Distinction- London South Bank University (including 6 months at Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
- Diploma Tui Na Chinese Massage – Morley College
- Coaching Course Level 2 – British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA)
- Instructor: Accreditation- Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong Federation
- Instructor: AccreditationLongfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain
Pricing and booking
Initial Consultation and Treatment £80 (1hr)
Follow-up Treatment £70 (45mins-1hr)
10% OFF acupuncture treatments for Jubilee Hall Gym Members
For more information and to book a session, call 07939 043580 email laura@movingqi.co.uk or visit our dedicated website www.movingqi.co.uk
The Jubilee Hall Gym is owned and run by the Jubilee Hall Trust, a not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote the health of the communities in which we work.
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